Title: COSIE: Co-creation of Service Innovation in Europe

Duration: 01.12.2017- 30.11.2020.

Funding programme: Horizon 2020

Project website: COSI

Description: The CoSIE project states that public service innovations can be achieved by creating collaborative partnerships between service providers and service beneficiaries. During the implementation of CoSIE, the collaborative partners will test and develop the diverse methods of co-creation in the field of public services.The CoSIE partners will actively search for new ways to use digital tools and open data in order to enable the co-creation of services. With innovative practices the project aims to improve the inclusion of all citizens and to promote their possibilities to act as active members of the society. The co-creation process in this particular project consists of nine individual (but interlinked) pilots. Each pilot has different target groups, service needs and local settings.
The project is implemented as joint venture of 24 partners (including all Carpe member HEIs) form 10 EU countries.

Brochure: COSIE