Work with us

When you’re interested to work with us on research projects or develop educational programmes please contact us.

Contact details CARPE partners:

CARPE distinguishes two types of memberships: associate membership and full membership. As a rule, prospective consortium members first obtain the associate membership status and, after evaluation, can become a full member. Please see the CARPE membership criteria.

We prefer to work with higher education institutions which have research cooperation and Erasmus bilateral agreements (or equivalent) with several CARPE network members. At the moment, CARPE is not actively looking for new CARPE network partners but we welcome you as a partner in projects or exchange.

Special Interest Groups to boost CARPE collaboration

On May 17, 2021, a group of research and development experts from the CARPE network gathered for the pre-launch of CARPE Special Interest Groups (SIGs).

The establishment of CARPE Special Interest Groups follows the Steering Committee’s decision in December 2020 to create content-driven networks for CARPE colleagues to promote European research and innovation collaboration among the CARPE partners. The CARPE SIG’s are led by experienced experts in their education and research areas.

The online pre-launch event introduced the SIGs, their leads and co-leads to each other and kicked off the collaboration which is expected to pave way for more high-quality research results and activity, such as joint Erasmus and Horizon projects within the CARPE network.

The SIGs will collaborate with specific research and development topics relevant to all CARPE partners. By intensifying collaboration around common global challenges, CARPE is also taking an active step forward in contributing to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Each CARPE partner has a lead in one of the SIGs, and co-leads will assist in leading and managing the SIGs.

The following Special Interest Groups and their leads will begin their work by organizing online kick-off meetings and preparing for the next CARPE conference, which will take place on 21–22 October 2021.

Special Interest Group Lead Co-Lead
Health Mari Lahti, Turku UAS
TBC, HAW Hamburg
Societal Challenges Judit Csoba, University of Debrecen
Kate Miller, UWS
Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Kai Von Luck, HAW Hamburg
Email: kai.vonluck@haw-hamburg.deSusanne Draheim, HAW Hamburg
Huib Aldewereld, HU
Email: huib.alderwereld@hu.nlJohan Versendaal, HU
Smart Sustainable Cities Martijn Rietbergen, HU
Jari Hietaranta, Turku UAS
Entrepreneurship & Business Orlando Manuel Martins Marques de Lima Rua, P.Porto
Alan Murray, UWS
Food TBC Szilvia Veres, University of Debrecen
Creativity & Culture Ricardo Queiros, P.Porto
Taina Erävaara, Turku UAS
Email: taina.eravaara@turkuamk.fiEero Merimaa, Turku UAS
Teacher HUB Erik Mooij, HU
Email: erik.mooij@hu.nlFrederique de Jong, HU
Ilya Zitter, HU
Meiju Keinänen, Turku UAS
meiju.keinanen@turkuamk.fiMarjo Joshi, Turku UAS

The CARPE SIGs are led by experienced experts in their respective research areas and welcome all like-minded CARPE colleagues to join forces in tackling current challenges through enhanced research collaboration.

Are you interested in CARPE collaboration and joining one or several SIGs?

Please email the lead and co-lead of the SIG(s) you want to join and ask them to add you on their mailing list and/or virtual work environment.

You are welcome to share information about your own expertise and current projects on the SIG topics and give suggestions for future collaboration.

"For many years, we’ve found ourselves discussing how to bring our cooperation to the ‘next level’, but now I think we’ve done it in just five months by setting up these SIGs and finding the most experienced members to lead them."

A member of the steering committee, Rector Vesa Taatila from Turku UAS is convinced that the SIGs will bring a welcomed boost to the CARPE network.